My Brian Boyle Story: An Update

About a month ago I posted my Brian Boyle story.  I didn’t expect it to go much further than possibly me reading “Iron Heat”.  It turns out I was wrong.

Since Brian Boyle had friended me on Facebook, I figured I may as well send him a link to my blog.

Hey Brian,

I’m Chris Crawford — you sent me a friend request this past week. I’m honored that you found me and got in touch with me.

I’m training for my first ever triathlon next September. I started a blog, mostly for myself, so that next September I can look back on my posts and see how much I’ve grown.

Not sure how interested you are in this, but just wanted to let you know that I posted a story about you on my blog today:

I’m looking forward to reading your book soon!


Much to my surprise, Brian actually read my post and responded to my message about a week later.  In his reply, he thanked me for getting in touch with him and was very supportive of my new goal to complete a triathlon.  He closed his message by saying that if I had any questions about training for a triathlon, he’d be there for me because he wanted me to meet my goals “with flying colors”.


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2 responses to “My Brian Boyle Story: An Update

  1. Pingback: A Facebook Friend With An Iron Heart « Crawford's Triathlon

  2. Pingback: Crawford’s Triathlon: Epilog « Crawford's Triathlon

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